
($Release: 0.2.0 $)

What's this?

Utility class to support configuration.


  • Easy to define configuration for environments (production, development, ...).
  • Raises error when configuration name is wrong (typo).
  • Represents secret configurations which should be set by environment var or in secret file.


Table of Contents


File: config/app.rb

require 'benry/config'

class AppConfigBase < Benry::Config
  ## add names and values
  add :db_host          , "localhost"
  add :db_user          , "user1"
  add :db_pass          , ABSTRACT       # should be set value in subclass
  add :session_cookie   , "sess"
  add :session_secret   , SECRET
  ## or:
  #add :db_pass         , ABSTRACT['DB_PASS']    # get value from ENV
  #add :session_secret  , SECRET['SESS_SECRET']  # get secret value from ENV

File: config/app_dev.rb (for development environment)

require_relative './app'

## for development environment
class AppConfig < AppConfigBase
  ## set (= override) existing values
  set :db_pass          , "pass1"        # set ABSTRACT value

File: config/app_prod.rb (for production environment)

require_relative './app'

## for production environment
class AppConfig < AppConfigBase
  ## set (= override) existing values
  set :db_host          , "db-master"    # override existing value
  set :db_pass          , "passXXX"      # set ABSTRACT value
  ## error because `:db_name` is not defined in paremnt class.
  set :db_name          , "prod1"        #=> Benry::ConfigError (not defined)

File: config/app.secret (should be ignored by `.gitignore`)

## this file should be ignored by '.gitignore', and
## file permission should be `600`.
AppConfig.class_eval do
  set :session_secret   , "YRjCIAiPlCBvwLUq5mnZ"  # set SECRET value

File: main.rb

## load config files
app_env = ENV['APP_ENV']  or raise "$APP_ENV required."
require "./config/app.rb"                # define AppConfigBase class
require "./config/app_#{app_env}.rb"     # define AppConfig class
load    "./config/app.secret"            # modify AppConfig class
## or:
#load   "./config/app.#{app_env}.secret"

## create a config object
$config =
p $config.db_user             #=> "user1"
p $config.db_pass             #=> "pass1"
p $config.session_cookie      #=> "sess"
p $config.session_secret      #=> "YRjCIAiPlCBvwLUq5mnZ"
p $config.defined?(:db_user)  #=> true
p $config.defined?(:db_pass)  #=> true
p $config.defined?(:db_name)  #=> false
p $config.get_all(:db_)       #=> {:host=>"localhost", :user=>"user1", :pass=>"pass1"}
p $config.get_all(:session_)  #=> {:cookie=>"sess", :secret=>"YRjCIAiPlCBvwLUq5mnZ"}
$config.each  {|k, v| puts "#{k}=#{v.inspect}" }   # hide secret values as "(secret)"
$config.each! {|k, v| puts "#{k}=#{v.inspect}" }   # not hide secret values